Monday, November 12, 2007

Week 6 # 13 -

This is such a useful tool. Particularly great for research purposes. Very time saving. Have all your pages saved and tagged in one place. Cool.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Week 5 - #Task 12 - Rollyo

Wish I knew Rollyo existed before. Will make my search much easier. I am sure I'll be using it from now on. Save a lot of time, instead of searching in google all the time and going to each site to search for the same subject.

Have created a search roll for the 2007 Election. Don't get me wrong - I am not that into to politics these days. Just couldn't think of any subject - so thought election campaign is on at the moment - sure thing to find lots of information about it. :-)

Week 5 #11 - Library Thing

Very interesting indeed. Love all the books review and to see that the books I've read - is/are being read by others. They all there with their wonder covers. The recommendations are great too.

If you want to check out what books I've read, go to:

Happy reading.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 5 # 10 Online Image Generator

Beautiful painting of a northern Vietnamese girl.

Week 4 # 9 - Finding Feeds

Week 4 - # 8

Boy - trying to work out what RSS is, is tough. Once I've registered, I am still struggling with what to do - and - don't laugh out loud - still don't know why it is suppose to make life easier for us. Eventhough Debra helped me - still have no idea. Technology is a great thing when you can understand it! hihihihihihihihi

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Week 3 - #7 Technology

Airwash Waterless Washing Machine

It looks like soon we may be able to rid ourselves of the water-guzzling washing machines in our homes. The Airwash Waterless Washing Machine takes "dry-cleaning" to a new level. Instead of immersing a clothing item in water the Airwash cleans clothes using negative ions, compressed air and deodorants to clean clothes. What is not clear is how honey dropped on my tie is going to be cleaned. I suppose there will still be times when I will have to spot clean a clothing item to get rid of organic materials.However, in the "smart" (read that as "green" or environmentally friendly) home, any appliance that can be used to reduce the use of water in a household is to be welcomed. I can see an Airwash Machine installed in my bedroom, but other items will still need to be cleaned in the washing machine. Perhaps the Airwash Machine could cut the amount of "water washing" I do in half; that would still be a great saving.This Airwash Machine is not available so we will have to wait a little longer before we see this in reality in our bedrooms.
Posted by: Elwyn Jenkins